Sky Project Stonehenge Model


photos from Digital History Wiki page, by Creative Commons license

This small replica was part of a project aimed at better understanding how people interact with presentations of historical subjects, one of a group of projects done under the tutelage of William J. Turkel of the University of Western Ontario. Note the computer monitors also showing Stonehenge.

stonehenge-modelThis made us think it would be great to set up computer monitors in a circle with a nice Stonehenge model in the middle, and have them all showing Stonehenge, constantly rotating. But back to the study, the conclusion arrived at here was that people are impatient and easily distracted, and, extrapolating, it’s difficult to teach us anything. Duh!

This is a nice little model, though, and we award it 6 druids. We want to add a couple of links to photos of small models we can’t get permissions for. Here  is an early model, from the late 1800’s or early 1900’s (scroll down on that page, and note the other model in the background). And here is a very clean well-done model from the Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, photo taken in 1964.

Clearly people have gone to great lengths to make these models accurate to their idea of what Stonehenge is or was. What is this hold it has on us? We’re four months into Clonehenge now, and we still don’t have an answer for that!


Snowhenge the Third, Antarctica Again: Sky-Blu


photo by Rob Jarvis, with permission

Snowhenge time again.  As some of you know, we favour Antarctic snowhenges when we can get them. We did a post on one, mentioned another in the post Henges We Admire, and here’s a third, equally nice, also from the planet’s nether regions! (No Bushmills visible in this one, though ;-))

Rob Jarvis of Highland Guides says: “The snow clonehenge was made at ‘Sky-Blu’ at the southernmost end of the Antarctic Peninsula. Sky-Blu is a blue ice runway maintained by the British Antartcic Survey (BAS) . . . I was working there and we must have had a few spare moments! The snow structure was done by ‘Baz’, a BAS mechanic posted down to Sky-Blu for a work stint!

Commonly the builders of these things are very practical people, perhaps instinctively trying to balance their rational and intuitive sides by building (practical) a Stonehenge (symbolising the intuitive?). You have to be practical to live in Antarctica, but we suspect the land inspires awe!

Score: 7½ druids. Love that Antarctic action! Want some less exotic snowhenges? Here we go: One, two, three (don’t know what language that is, but we see the word druid in there!),  four, and (scroll down for these): five, six, and seven! Oh, and good olde Bristol. Who knows–maybe a snowhenge was first and Stonehenge is just a copy!

Stonehedge Gardens, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania


photos from the Stonehedge Gardens website

This one isn’t really hengy enough. Still, its name is worth discussing and outdoor stone replicas are getting harder for us to find. Our searches meet with diminishing returns, although, truth to tell, we did find two today that we hope to post in the future!

stonehedge21The site says: “The mission of Stonehedge Gardens is to provide a healing, sacred, inclusive environment for the cultivation of personal and community transformation and wellness through the gardens and nature, the arts and holistic education.” The gardens are said to be beautiful, but why Stonehedge? Perhaps to meld the spiritual implications of Stonehenge with the garden word hedge. We do think they spelled it that way on purpose, unlike some. (See the 3rd comment below for the real explanation.)

Stonehedge is the most common misspelling of Stonehenge, surpassing Stongehenge and Stonhenge. And there are others: Stongehedge, Stonhedge and the obvious Stone Henge. The internet has created an age when  researchers must find all possible misspellings of their key words.

The benches here are meant to gently suggest a Stonehenge theme, not form a Stonehenge replica. It wouldn’t be fair to score them. We just wanted to discuss their name. Shame on us! Out of guilt, we’ll throw a handful of druids their way. Score: 5 druids. All this reminds us of a cartoon: [link]. Gardening time is upon us, folks–time to build your henges!

Heftyhenge: An Ill-fated Replica at Bennington


henging and photo by Clark Perks, with permission

The compulsion of the henger is rarely described as starkly and rivetingly as it is on Clark Perks’ Stonehenge page. (Read it!) In a fit of certainty he obtained permission from his college and set about building a full-scale replica of the sarsen portion of Stonehenge, each stone a wood frame covered with plastic garbage bags! Like most replica builders he finished with a greater appreciation of the original builders and of the sheer size of Stonehenge itself.

Not only was Stonehenge 97 feet in diameter it was also 24 feet tall, as high as a two-story building. I couldn’t really comprehend how high that was until I had actually bought the wood. Standing in the parking lot of the lumber yard, I stood one of the 24 foot 2 x 4s up against a building. I looked up and said, “Holy f***ing sh**, what have I gotten myself into?” Nevertheless, I plowed ahead.” [censored for Clonehenge]

The replica stood for only one day before being vandalised, but fortunately Clark had hired a plane and taken pictures while it still stood. We are impressed with the man. To wrangle  something like that together in a few days and then have the forethought to get those photos requires a fine mind and a strong will.

Score: 8 druids. We love this, love that he did it and enjoyed his telling of it! We end with his words:

What have I learned from Stonehenge? I don’t know. There are those that said it was my greatest work. Still others said it was the stupidest thing that I have ever done. In a way, they are both correct. It certainly is part of the reason I didn’t graduate from Bennington. But if I had it to do over again, I would. It was just something I had to do.

Blockhenge Relocated


photo by deadeyebart a.k.a Brett

Now we have proof that henges, once assembled, turn into living things! This blockhenge, shown near the bottom of our Virtual Hengefest page, moved itself to a new location, and we know this due to its documentation by Brett Fernau, aka the Mad Henger, aka deadeyebart. We know he wouldn’t kid about something this serious!

blockhenge2The Flickr caption says, “Under mysterious circumstances, Blockhenge has been relocated and recreated. Its sudden reappearance has confused scientists who have stated that further study is needed. Personally, I think it’s evidence of alien activity.” It is soothing to know that scientists are working to solve the mystery, but we’ve been posting henges long enough to be convinced that aliens are not necessary as an explanation of peculiar activity on this planet! We carbon-based lifeforms do very well on our own, thank you.

This is a simple replica with no bluestones, altar stone, heel stone, or ditch and bank (although the square enclosure makes a gesture toward that element). It is nicely done, however, and appears to include two inner trilithons. Score: 6 druids.  We like the view off the platform in the first picture. Maybe the henge moved there in order to take it all in!

Cupcake-henge: You know you want it!


cupcakes and photo by tokyopop, with permission

It’s carbhenge, and you know you want it! But to get a taste of tokyopop’s yummy chocolate and strawberry cupcakes with candy Stonehenge, you would have had to be in her Art History class. We guess that these must have disappeared too soon for the sunset alignments to be checked!

Warning: do not click on tokyopop (Keri Chan)’s photostream link if you do not want to look at things like Chocolate Covered Cheesecake Pops, or Key Lime Pie Cupcakes, or Creme Brulee Birthday Pie, or an incredible-looking birthday cake with Domo Kun on top. There’s more like that. She’s a serious baker. You have been warned!

Food is distracting. Let’s think about henges. This is clearly a replica of Stonehenge as it is now, not as it was. Fallen stones abound and only short sequences of linteled stones remain in the circle. By the way, we see that Keri Chan lives just outside of Seattle, Washington. Of course.

Score: 5½. Cupcakes are a difficult medium, and tokyopop is the kind of person we like to keep on very friendly terms with. This is completely unrelated, Keri, but we have a birthday coming in early May. Ahem. 😉 Just sayin’.

3D Paper Model Stonehenge (and a small mystery solved)


photo from Paper Landmarks promotional webpage

We may not get to post for a day or two, so a quick post this morning. You may remember some time ago we posted a page of links to replicas we didn’t have photo permissions for, Henges We Admire. One of them was a neatly done model of Stonehenge in its original state, which  we thought was of wood. It now appears that it may have been of paper, made from this kit. (For those who might enjoy horrifying the Clonehenge blog, this company also sells kits for Easter Island heads to add to your Stonehenge display!)

Of course, we aren’t looking at anything like the stone-by-stone detail of the Cardboard Stonehenge kit shown on the Cardboard Stonehenge blog, a great read featured here earlier. At the other end of the spectrum is this (to us) humourous item, in which you just cut out all but the base of the ‘stones’ and stand them up, made by a company with the evocative name L’Instant Durable. Ah, if only it were!

Still, this is an impressive model and if we’d had one we might have kept busy making it and avoided the embarrassment of starting Clonehenge. Alas for the world–one annoyance that might so easily have been averted!

Paper Landmarks‘ Stonehenge score: 7½ druids. Note that you can get it in several colours including gold, although why you wouldn’t choose the stone colour is beyond us. Unless you were just going to set it on fire anyway. In that case, do it safely! And send us pictures!


Stonehenge at the Office Plaza, Renton, Washington State


photo by Denise Zullig, with permission

In the center of the Southgate Office Plaza, a few blocks from the WOTC (Wizards of the Coast) headquarters, in Renton, Washington, stands this odd homage to Stonehenge, without even a plaque for explanation. We have been on the track of this sculpture/monument for months and only through the Flickr photostream of Rick Umali were we able to track it down.

renton-rick-umali[photo at left by Rick Umali] We got in touch with City of Renton Communications Director  Preeti Shridhar, who through Jennifer Davis Hayes was able to send us  great photos by Denise Zullig. It takes a village to do a Clonehenge post! Our thanks to all of you.

renton-3What else do we know? Almost nothing. It’s an odd one, an arc of trilithons made up of what appear to be cement blocks. Judging by the architecture of the building (nicknamed the Ziplock building–well, look at it!) in the lower photo, also by Zullig, we would guess that it’s been there a few decades. But who built it, how and why, are unknown to us. It’s Washington State, we’re tempted to say, so of course there’s a Stonehenge!

Score: 5 druids. It’s not at all accurate, but what a pleasant surpise to find something like this in a corporate setting! If we find out more, we’ll post it. In the meanime, props to the people of The Stonehenge State. Way to honour the ancients!

You can see it on Google Street View here.

Scrabble Henge


henge and photo by David Lewis, aka Boggy

Tonight’s post goes out in memory of me mum! She was a wonderful mum and the meanest Scrabble opponent you could face. She loved those little words that effectively box you out of a whole area. But we digress! Do you see what this is? I hope we don’t have to spell it out for you. Har, har!

Boggy was ahead of his time when he made this two and a half years ago. He is also the fellow who brought you the wood block gardenhenge with the children’s animal story. The lettering with lintels incorporated is cleverly done, and the photo is nice with the reflections in the wood. For related humourous comments, see the photo in its original home on Flickr.

Score: 6 druids. Thank you, mother, for taking me to Stonehenge that time! I hope being able to use the new-ish word henging is improving your Scrabble scores in the afterlife!

Splash Stonehenge Replica, Monroe, Washington


photo from the website of Falling Water Designs

Why couldn’t Stonehenge be a fountain? As a matter of fact, English Heritage, it is not too late! Make that tunnel you’d been planning a little smaller, put pipes in it, and have a water feature expert come in and design the water flow . . .

Well, maybe not, but to make up for it, Rick Perry, owner of Falling Water Designs in Monroe, Washington (yes, Washington! We’ll get back to that), outside Seattle, created this remarkable partial-Stonehenge-replica water feature of what looks like real stone to us. We know that Rick or someone he works with has a mild case of megalithia* because of other photos on the website.

This seems to be made of two trilithons at an angle to one another, a configuration we haven’t seen before. Score: 5½ druids. Yes, it is ridiculous, but that element of humour might help the thing remain a pleasure over time. Hmm . . . do you think, if we slow the water down, we could grow mosses?

Anyway, it is Washington State again. Despite Michigan’s desperate attempts at holding its title, like a woodhenge we’ve heard of but can’t seem to find and an odd snowmobile “hinge” that doesn’t quite make the henginess cut, it looks like Washington State has usurped the coveted title of The Stonehenge State. And we still have a Washington replica we have yet to show you! What is going on up there??

* a condition, rarely fatal unless combined with clumsiness, which creates a compulsion to erect megaliths