
Happy Solstice! Clonehenge Says Good Bye :’-(

Happy solstice and happy/merry other end of the year holidays to all! May 2024 surprise us by being wonderful.

Friends, when I started Clonehenge the internet was a different place. Blogs were all the rage and quirky niche stuff was everywhere. All the fun people with odd interests were coming out of the woodwork.

Search engines were actually good then! Put a search term in quotes and you only got results with those search terms. Facebook was still mostly for college students. Twitter didn’t exist. The internet was fun.

Times have changed. I was thinking of semi-retirement for Clonehenge some time soon but then earlier this year, about the time Threads started up, Instagram changed its search function and I could no longer find the things I need to keep Clonehenge social media accounts active. I could no longer find the latest large permanent replicas appearing around the world. And at the same time Twitter searches for Stonehenge brought up ugly arguments and racist posts that I didn’t want to read. The fun had gone out of what was meant to be a fun hobby. It never did make any money . The fun was my remuneration.

So I’m closing up shop, everywhere but especially on WordPress. I pay quite a bit for this site, along with a clonehenge.com domain and email address. It doesn’t make sense anymore.

I’ve had a great time, met wonderful kind people, and I’ve learned a whole lot. I love learning!

Many thanks to everyone who ever paid any attention to Clonehenge. I know there will still be new Stonehenge replicas cropping up around the world. I know people will keep making cheesehenges and boxhenges, Jengahenges and many variations I can’t even imagine. Just this week I received a Stonehenge block set, by Artor Blocks, one I had never heard of before. It never ends.

And so in closing I wish all of you, for the rest of your lives, happy henging!