Three More For the List of Large Permanent Replicas!


small Stonehenge at Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary, Baguio, on Luzon Island, the Phillippines

What a month April has been here at Clonehenge Central! In our continual searches for henges that will amuse you, we discovered three large permanent Stonehenge replicas that weren’t on our list. We have been working on a post about the different varieties of henges, but we put that on hold to bring you these latest finds!

First is the one seen above, our first Phillippine replica. It’s one of the prehistory-related stations along a nature trail set up to help teach history to children who visit. The cobbled floor is lovely and artistic. The proportions of the uprights are rather nice, so we won’t complain too loudly about the extra-long lintels extending out on either side of their trilithons. A delightful find!

Next up, this lovely garden henge is in County Durham, UK, in the gardens of the luxury self-catering cottages at Kearton Cottages. There is a wagon wheel bench inside the circle, a whimsical addition, which, along with a gorgeous long-distance view of the Yorkshire Dales, and frequent grazing visits by Shetland ponies, gives the whole thing a unique and undeniable charm. There are three trilithons and a number of single uprights, very consistent with the pattern of most garden henges.

c7050cca-4cf1-4a85-8660-b87905687337.c10It seems they light it with colourful lights during nights in the some of the colder months months! Unfortunately this henge is probably accessible only to those staying in the cottages, and such a stay appears not to be inexpensive. Perhaps when this Clonehenge empire has (finally!) made us insufferably rich, we will stop in for a stay. We still dream of making that tour of all of the large henges!


Two trilithons at the Stonehenge Grille in Crossville, Tennessee, Traveler photo submitted by Richard E (Sep 2014)

Last, and yes, probably least, there are these two trilithons (once again with lintels extending out beyond the uprights, something the previous henge managed to avoid) outside the Stonehenge Grille in Crossville, Tennessee! We may have to call or message them one of these days and ask how the name and little Stonehenge came about. Those stories are always interesting to us. For now all we know is that the grill is part of the Fairfield Glade Community Club and someone there appears to like marigolds.

That about catches us up. Once added to the List of Large Permanent Replicas, these will bring their number to 88! It is likely, though, that there are enough out there somewhere to bring it up to 100. Don’t forget, you are our eyes and ears out there, friends! Have a look at the list and please report any henges that aren’t on it! What better way for us to celebrate Stonehenge’s 100 years of belonging to the nation that is now the United Kingdom than to build the list to 100 henges?

Remember: if you can’t find one, why not build one? We are counting on you! Until next time, Gentle Readers, happy henging!