
Carhenge on Television! Which Henge is Next?

Image from Disney+ upcoming series Cars on the Road, from this tweet by @PixarCarsFacts1

Cars on the Road is the name of a new series based on the Cars animated movies, to be released in September on Disney+. We have never seen any of the Cars franchise but the trailer for this series caught our attention by briefly featuring a Stonehenge replica! The vehicles who seem to be the protagonists in the show are seen at Carhenge in Nebraska.

As some of you may be aware, many movies and shows have featured Stonehenge as part of the plot or at least scenery, so many that we made up a list of them (see A Quick List of Stonehenge Movies), including the good and the bad. But so far we are not aware of any movies or shows that featured a large Stonehenge replica not being used to represent Stonehenge but simply as itself. We’ve been waiting. We were certain it was going happen, and this appears to be the first. (Although it is worth mentioning that the best known Stonehenge replica in Indonesia, Stonehenge Merapi, was used in a popular music video there over a year ago.)

We don’t know anything about the circumstances of the Carhenge appearance in Cars on the Road or whether it is identified in the show as Carhenge in Nebraska. When we learn we’ll add that information here. Meanwhile another show caught our interest recently when in Umbrella Academy two characters are crossing through Pennsylvania and one while reading a list of roadside attractions mentions “Cowhenge”. While there is no Cowhenge (We live in Pennsylvania so we’re quite sure of this), a: It’s exciting that they’re recognising and mentioning henges as roadside attractions! and b: Maybe there should be one! 🐄🐄🐄

We’ve mentioned, probably a few times, a moment in the show Elementary when Sherlock is building a Stonehenge of gold bullion. Small replicas are cool but we think the larger standing Stonehenge replicas will show up on screen because of their uniqueness and ambience. Imagine a movie scene where to people are talking (or firing at each other!) at Washington State’s Maryhill Stonehenge or at the impressive Stonehenge replica in Odessa, Texas. Think of the light and shadows. Or imagine romance or drama unfolding at Montana’s beautiful limestone Stonehenge, set by a lake near mountains and a forest, with a rolling golf course and an air museum featuring vintage aircraft. Many possibilities!

Stonehenge itself is rich with symbolism of many kinds. Using a Stonehenge replica in a story can imply some of that depth without the heavier ancient implications. Stonehenge replicas are also, at least to us, implicitly humourous if you care to take it in that direction. Hollywood is often hungry for visuals that imply meaning and for places that capture light in interesting ways. Maybe they’ll discover North America’s Stonehenges as places people go on their way somewhere else or as destinations in themselves. We’ll be watching when they do!

Until then and until next time, friends, we wish you happy henging!

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