Stonehenge in Kharkiv, Ukraine Now Gone!

“Scythian Heritage” or Ukrainian Stonehenge, photo by @annimosomnia on Instagram

Sad news: one of the Stonehenge sculptures we had been planning to put on our large permanent list was dismantled in January. The sculpture, in Kharkiv, Ukraine and entitled Scythian Heritage, included a Stonehenge-like sculpture of concrete blocks, some marked with symbols, and a few stylised human figures in imitation of ancient Scythian statues. On the 4th of January the Kharkiv city government without notifying the sculptor, Eugene Kulik, had the sculpture dismantled. The artist was not even told where the pieces were taken. :’-(

You can see a short video walk-through taken about a week before its sudden disappearance at this link from @rtplaysocial on Instagram.

We’re always sorry to see a Stonehenge go! And it may be a while before anyone in Ukraine is thinking about building Stonehenges again. Best wishes to everyone there.

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