

photo by Scott Weichert

As we insinuated in an earlier post, cheesehenges may be the most numerous Stonehenge replicas on the web. Virtual cheesehenges abound on Youtube, seemingly because it’s an exercise used for teaching a computer language called Maya 8.5.

Scott Weichert’s picture above appears to have been made with real cheese, but in fact no cheeses were harmed in the making of this henge. Images of cheese were plugged into a dramatically enhanced picture of Stonehenge. Still, we like the picture and it’s a good example of a Swiss cheesehenge, Swiss inexplicably being the most popular kind of cheese with which to build a henge.

How to score what is really a sample of a type? The person who made this did use Stonehenge,and we like the inclusion of the bump on top of one stone lacking a lintel. Not everyone knows that the lintels were kept in place with tongue and groove joints and it is always a nice touch. Score: 7 druids for this surreal photo. Keep on henging that cheese, people!

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